An 11-episode anime adaptation of Nisemonogatari aired from January 8 to March 18, 2012, produced by the same staff as Bakemonogatari, but with Tomoyuki Itamura replacing Tatsuya Oishi as director. A four-episode anime television series adaptation of Nekomonogatari (Kuro) (猫物語(黒), 'Cat Story (Black)') aired back-to-back on December 31. Nekomonogatari: Kuro is the third adapted installment of the Monogatari series, an array of light novels written by Nisio Isin. It serves as a precursor to Bakemonogatari and features Tsubasa Hanekawa during the events of Golden Week, in which she becomes possessed by a neko (translated as 'cat') and indiscriminately attacks people on the street to relieve her built-up stress. The Monogatari series should be watched in the order the novels were written. Bakemonogatari Volume 1. Bakemonogatari Volume 2. Nisemonogatari Volume 1. Nisemonogatari Volume 2. Nekomonogatari (Kuro). Nekomonogatari: Kuro – Must Watch. I can’t even explain how excited I was for this show. Ever since Bakemonogatari, the series has been one of my all-time favorites. I was disappointed with Nisemonogatari, but Neko was back up to the same level of amazing as Bake. If you didn’t know already, Nekomonogatari is a prequel to Bakemonogatari.
Cerita berpusat pada Araragi Koyomi, siswa SMA kelas tiga yang terlibat dengan berbagai macam penampakan seperti: dewa, hantu, mitos, dan roh. Bagaimana kisah Araragi Koyomi dalam menangani keterlibatannya?
Watch Order Monogatari
NekoMonogatari : Kuro
Monogatari Series : Second Season
OwariMonogatari Season 2
Zoku OwariMonogatari
Anime Info
Judul | Bakemonogatari |
Type | TV |
Rating | 8.35 |
Studio | Shaft |
Status | Completed |
Uploader | Otakudere |
Rilis | February 28, 2020 |
Genre |