Best Linux Distro Mini

Jun 16, 2021 Learn about the best Linux distros for all user levels, from beginner to expert. As a free and open-source OS, Linux continues to spread its wings, amassing attention from new and experienced people alike. Linux Mint is the distro that you probably want to use if you don’t pick Ubuntu GNOME. It is based on Ubuntu and its developers are determined to fix all the issues that Ubuntu users complain about. Linux Mint is, in a manner of speaking, a cooler Ubuntu, and its UI is easy to navigate. It will be a good pick to run on your Mac. We recap the best Linux distro releases of 2019, as chosen by you. And spoiler: they're not all Ubuntu based, either! Read on ti find out what was picked. Today, we bring you a list of the best Linux distros to run on your PCs and they are arranged in order of the most hits from users in the last 3 months on Distro Watch.

Join us as we look back at the best Linux distro releases of 2019 — and spoiler: they’re not all Ubuntu based! 😉

We’ve polished our crystal ball

See, this might be a blog about Ubuntu and the world around it, but it don’t exist in a vacuum. There are a tonne of Linux distros, spins, and offshoots out there, all thriving well beyond the orange bubble.

And I know that some of you reading these very words right now are using them!

So we asked, and you answered; below is a list of the best Linux distro releasesof 2019, as selected by you and your fellow omg! ubuntu! readers…

Best Linux Distro Releases in 2019

Okay, before you dive in there are two things to note:

Firstly, this list below is not presented in any order. And that’s because all of these releases are awesome. Picking an overall “winner” would simply be too difficult!

But do feel free to let me know your top pick in the comments, should you want to.

Secondly, if you or someone who know is thinking of exploring Linux in the new year then bookmark this post right now! More than just a mere recap, this list can double-up as an excellent starting point for distro exploration should one need it.

Finally, do remember that the distro released selected below were all chosen by readers. If your favourite release isn’t listed it means it did not get enough votes, not that I dislike it.

Manjaro 18.1.x

Manjaro is an Arch-based Linux distribution that uses pacman as its core package manager. The distro is also available with a choice of desktop environment, including Xfce, KDE Plasma 5, and GNOME Shell.

Now, Manjaro is what’s called a “rolling release” distro. This mean you install it once and then keep installing updates to run the ‘latest’ version.

That said, the distro does produce milestones (think of these as ‘hop on’ points, if you rather) that make it easier to get up and running.

Manjaro 18.1 “Juhraya” was once such release, issued back in September to positive reception.

Manjaro 18.1 ships with a new GUI app called buah that makes managing Snap and Flatpak apps easier across all core versions. There’s also a new office suite selection screen that lets users choose between LibreOffice and Softmaker’s FreeOffice based on their productivity needs.

Successive point updates, the most recent being Manjaro 18.1.4, have honed this feature set further while reducing the number of post-install updates required.

Best Linux Distro For Hp Mini 110

Also of note is Manjaro’s excellent support for 64-bit ARM chips. This makes the distro a viable alternative OS for users of the PineBook or PineBook Pro Linux laptop.

Fedora Workstation 31

No list of major distro releases would be complete without a spot for Fedora. As one of the leading Linux distributions, you can understand why and so, naturally, the latest Fedora Workstation 31 release is included here.

That said, as releases go, Fedora 31 isn’t the most memorable. The main highlight of the release is the inclusion of an “isolated container feature” called Fedora Toolbox.

Fedora Workstation 31 runs GNOME 3.34 at its core. This uplift “brings significant performance enhancements which will be especially noticeable on lower-powered hardware”, says Fedora’s Matthew Miller.

You can check out the change-set for more detail on this release, or grab a copy to experience for yourself:

Ubuntu 19.10 ‘Eoan Ermine’

Okay, I can’t hold off any longer; I’ve got to talk about Ubuntu 19.10.

Ubuntu is the world’s most successful desktop Linux distro and this past October’s release, dubbed “Eoan Ermine”, cemented that fact royally.

One of Ubuntu’s most sure-footed release in years, Ubuntu 19.10 packs in a heck of a lot.

There’s improved performance of the GNOME Shell desktop; proprietary NVIDIA graphics drivers available on the ISO; and experimental support for installing the system using the ZFS file system.

It also offers an improved system theme (including dark mode); several new app icons; and, thanks to the inclusion of GNOME 3.34, app folder creation in the launcher.

In short, Eoan Ermine excels, ensuring there’s an excellent foundation on which the Ubuntu 20.04 release in April 2020 can expand.

Zorin OS 15

The release of Zorin OS 15back in the summer won the distro scores of applause from fans new and old — me very much included!

The Ubuntu-based distro has a unique USP in that it has an RRP: Zorin 15 Ultimate costs €39. For that, users get a distro kitted out with tonnes of great software plus some alternative desktop layouts.

Zorin OS 15’s clean desktop aesthetic takes GNOME Shell but moulds it into something more “traditional” — making the OS a real rival to Linux Mint, oft cited as the best distro for newbies, in the process.

Of course, you don’t have to buy it as a free version (Zorin OS Core) is readily available (and is the version I tried).

Zorin OS 15 Lite, a version designed for low-power devices, is also worth checking out. It was released in late November and makes the Xfce 4.14 desktop look out of this world!

elementary OS 5.1

elementary OS 5.1 ranked very highly among readers responding to our ask, despite only being released this month.

The elementary OS 5.1 release builds on the foundations laid in elementary OS 5, based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Best Linux Distro Minimum

There are several thoughtful improvements thread throughout the Pantheon desktop experience, ranging from a redesigned login screen (‘greeter’) and welcome tool, to the subtle highlighting of keyboard shortcuts in many app menus.

Native support for Flatpak apps (though yes, you can run Snap apps too) and Linux kernel 5.0 is just the cheery on top of a very appetising cake.

Best of the rest

Peppermint 10 OSlaunched in May. The distro strips back the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS stack but without any compromise on style or app selection. The LXDE desktop is well suited to low-power devices, which makes installing Peppermint 10 OS an easy way to make an old machine feel fresh and new.

I can’t resist giving a shout out to the terrific Regolith Linux. We dubbed it “…the i3 Ubuntu spin you’ve been dreaming of” when covering it back in June — and that slogan still stands!

One upside is that you don’t have to install the distro to experience the bespoke i3-wm desktop as you can install Regolith desktop on Ubuntu 19.10 using a PPA — handy!

An interesting choice this, mentioned by several readers. Perhaps the positive hype around intel’s Clear Linux project is piquing interest? While I’m yet to personally sample the rolling-release “distro” first hand (I don’t have compatible hardware) I’m nonetheless intrigued by reports of its zippy performance. One to watch, for sure.

Pop!_OS is Linux hardware seller System76’s homegrown Linux distro based off of Ubuntu. The Pop!_OS 19.10 release ships with some modest changes, including updated sound effects, a dark mode option, and support for offline upgrades.

Finally, the Deepin desktop environment (part of the Deepin Linux distro but available on other distros, including Fedora and Manjaro) continues to catch people’s eyes. Looking like the love child of iOS 12 and Windows 10, it’s promising stuff — let’s hope some of those glaring security issues in the desktop packages get fixed soon!

DistributionMinimum system requirementsBased on
Tiny Core LinuxCPU: 486DX RAM: 46 MBTiny Core Linux
Tiny SliTazCPU: 386 RAM: 4 MB 8 MB recommendedSliTaz
Trisquel MiniRAM: 256 MB CPU: Pentium IIUbuntu LTS
TurnKey Linux Virtual Appliance LibraryRAM: 256 MB 2017Debian (a minified base)

What is the smallest version of Linux?

Of the three, the Legacy edition is the smallest, designed to work with older, less powerful hardware. Bodhi Linux’s minimum specifications require a 500MHz processor, at least 128MB RAM, and 4GB disk space.

What is the most lightweight Linux distribution?

The best lightweight Linux distros at a glance:

  • Absolute Linux.
  • antiX.
  • BunsenLabs.
  • Linux Lite.
  • Lubuntu.
  • LXLE.
  • Porteus.
  • Puppy Linux.

2 дек. 2020 г.


Which Linux OS is fastest?

10 Top Most Popular Linux Distributions of 2020.

Without much ado, let’s quickly delve into our pick for the year 2020.

  1. antiX. antiX is a fast and easy-to-install Debian-based Live CD built for stability, speed, and compatibility with x86 systems. …
  2. EndeavourOS. …
  3. PCLinuxOS. …
  4. ArcoLinux. …
  5. Ubuntu Kylin. …
  6. Voyager Live. …
  7. Elive. …
  8. Dahlia OS.

2 июн. 2020 г.

Can Ubuntu run on 1GB RAM?

Yes, you can install Ubuntu on PCs that have at least 1GB RAM and 5GB of free disk space. If your PC has less than 1GB RAM, you can install Lubuntu (note the L). It is an even lighter version of Ubuntu, which can run on PCs with as little as 128MB RAM.

Is lubuntu faster than Ubuntu?

Booting and installation time was almost same, but when it comes to opening multiple applications such as opening multiple tabs on browser Lubuntu really surpases Ubuntu in speed due to its light weight desktop environment. Also opening terminal was much quicker in Lubuntu as compared to Ubuntu.

Can Ubuntu run on 2GB RAM?

Absolutely yes, Ubuntu is a very light OS and it will work perfectly. But you must know that 2GB is very less memory for a computer in this age, so I’ll suggest you to get at a 4GB system for higher performance. … Ubuntu is quite a light operating system and 2gb will be enough for it to run smoothly.

Which OS is best for old PC?

Best Lightweight Linux distros for old laptops and desktops

  • Lubuntu.
  • Peppermint. …
  • Linux Mint Xfce. …
  • Xubuntu. Support for 32-bit systems: Yes. …
  • Zorin OS Lite. Support for 32-bit systems: Yes. …
  • Ubuntu MATE. Support for 32-bit systems: Yes. …
  • Slax. Support for 32-bit systems: Yes. …
  • Q4OS. Support for 32-bit systems: Yes. …


2 мар. 2021 г.

How much RAM is required for Linux?

Memory Requirements. Linux requires very little memory to run compared to other advanced operating systems. You should have at the very least 8 MB of RAM; however, it’s strongly suggested that you have at least 16 MB. The more memory you have, the faster the system will run.

Which Linux is best for laptop?

6 Best Linux Distros for Laptops

  • Manjaro. The Arch Linux-based distro is one of the most popular Linux distros and is famous for its outstanding hardware support. …
  • Linux Mint. Linux Mint is one of the most popular Linux distros around. …
  • Ubuntu. …
  • MX Linux. …
  • Fedora. …
  • Deepin. …
  • 6 Best Linux Distros for Laptops.

Is Linux worth it 2020?

If you want the best UI, best desktop apps, then Linux probably isn’t for you, but it’s still a good learning experience if you’ve never used a UNIX or UNIX-alike before. Personally, I don’t bother with it on the desktop any more, but that isn’t to say you shouldn’t.

Why is Linux Mint so slow?

I let Mint Update do its thing once at startup then close it. Slow disk response can also indicate impending disk failure or misaligned partitions or a USB fault and a few other things. Test with a live version of Linux Mint Xfce to see if it makes a difference. Look at memory usage by processor under Xfce.

What is the most beautiful Linux distro?

The 5 Most Beautiful Linux Distros Out Of The Box

  • Deepin Linux. The first distro I would like to talk about is Deepin Linux. …
  • Elementary OS. The Ubuntu-based elementary OS is without a doubt one of the most beautiful Linux distributions you can find. …
  • Garuda Linux. Just like an eagle, Garuda entered the realm of Linux distributions. …
  • Hefftor Linux. …
  • Zorin OS.

19 дек. 2020 г.

Can Ubuntu run on 512MB RAM?

Can Ubuntu run on 1gb RAM? The official minimum system memory to run the standard installation is 512MB RAM (Debian installer) or 1GB RA< (Live Server installer). Note that you can only use the Live Server installer on AMD64 systems. … This gives you some headroom to run the more RAM-hungry applications.

How much RAM is required for Ubuntu?

According to the Ubuntu wiki, Ubuntu requires a minimum of 1024 MB of RAM, but 2048 MB is recommended for daily use. You may also consider a version of Ubuntu running an alternate desktop environment requiring less RAM, such as Lubuntu or Xubuntu. Lubuntu is said to run fine with 512 MB of RAM.

Can Ubuntu run on 3gb RAM?

Best Linux Distro Macbook

So yes, Ubuntu can very easily run on 2GB RAM, even much less. That depends on the packages you install, not on the distribution (at least not much). … So yes, Ubuntu can very easily run on 2GB RAM, even much less.

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